Here there everyone. Creator here. So I wanna talk about some change of plans that's going to happen.
First off, the obvious, the battle system is going to be probably using RPG Maker XP's default. But I will see if I can give it an ATB, to be closer to what it originally was. Maybe whenever I feel like remaking the game in the future, I'll make it a side view Battle System.
Secondly, The Multi-point of view is now just Akiko and Kita, with Emil's Point of view, prior to meeting up with Akiko, being more of a flashback. As for flashbacks, certain scenes from the planned Prologue Stories are now going to be flashbacks. The Mission Mode, a separate game mode, will be getting a code that you will be able to input as soon as the main game is done, and I start on Mission Mode, which originally was called Challenge Mode. In Mission Mode, there's no story, and you select a character from start to finish. Some Requests from the main story may be repliaced in this Mission Mode, but are more challenging, from doubling the amount needed, to some extra things like having a buddy or two with you, which are randomized.
And finally, I've updated the original Windowskin.
That's all I can reveal for now. So until then, game development's on a crawl. O.o But I will get back on it soon. I promise.
-- Creator of the Memorie Project