KDC705's Site
About me
I'm a Child-at-Heart Gamer who plays mostly old games, than new ones. Somewhere around 2011-2012, I got into the inspiration to make my own games. As such, I'm self practicing for making games, making a novel, and a manga, as sometimes past imaginations never really die.
The Gamer in me
Yes. I am a gamer. I cling to the old more than the new. I'm currently in the midst of beating Final Fantasy Tactics for the Sony PlayStation on the Sony PlayStation 3, as that's where I put the save at. I never sell my game consoles, nor do I "upgrade" from one game console to the next. For now, I'm going to put in my various Profiles from each DRM-esk thing.
PlayStation Network (Most of the time, I either play Single Player games, or play online on PS3) - KDC017
Xbox Live (Don't have an Xbox, but I do play on a PC.) - KDC705
Nintendo 3DS/3DSXL/2DS/New 3DS/New 3DSXL/ New 2DS Friend Code - 0662-7497-0413
Nintendo Switch Friend Code - SW-1747-1229-8497
MMO Games I play...

I've started Mabinogi years ago, when the MMO was newer. Sometime during the first year. I was in Converse at the time, and was in school, possibly sophomore in high school. I don't quite remember completely. Anyway, I have a history of playing this game, with long gaps due to not having Internet access all of the time. I used to be an active player, but now I'm not that active anymore. My characters all used to be in a server called the Tarlach Server, before the server merged into Nao. Sometimes, I revisit this game from time to time, as this is the MMO game that kickstarted me playing MMO games. Somewhat.

A Prequel to Mabinogi. I also have a bit of history with this game, I main an Arisha named Kita4. The "4" was added because the common MMO games usually don't allow characters of the same name. Which is why I like Phantasy Star Online's way of multiple characters with the same name. I haven't touched this game since the PC I use had a HDD failure. I might go back into this game someday. But I want to get stuff downloaded first.

This game is..... an interesting one. First off, the game has multiple races that can use various classes. Some of the races and classes are gender locked, however. Anyway, I do play this game on both PC and PS4, Mostly PS4 for now, and I play as an Elin Ninja called Nima.Tsuki. The dot between the first and last names was a replacement for the Space between them, since the game can't have spaces between the names for some reason. Also this game won't allow me to just use Nima for the same reason as Vindictus.
Currently, the PC version of Tera has shut down, and I'm not sure what's happening on the PS4 version of the game. If it has also shut down, then... well crap. I haven't gotten very far in that game.

I started playing this using the JP servers back in Late 2019, before the NA version was even going into Closed Beta for Xbox One consoles. I have long since moved to the NA Servers, starting over of course, and have made some good progress. And grabbed some good outfits before they went expensive, like all other Player Shops would in MMO games. I'm on Ship 2 in the GLOBAL Servers. My characters in the ship are:
- Emil
- Ovelia
- Takarra
- Akiko
- Kita
Emil is my main, while Ovelia, Takarra, and ANASTASIA are my alts. For an emote in an AC campaign, I created Akiko and Kita in the game. I'll be leveling up my main more than the alts, and I'll be a bit laid back with the alts, in terms of Mag Stats and Skill Tree, as I'll be winging them.
I'm currently active on PSO2, probably as much as I was back when I played Mabinogi. But not completely as active as I also have a life, just a rather sucky one. I used to be in the Dangoshin Alliance, a guild that my younger brother and two friends have founded in the game since the Base game on PC. I'm no longer in that alliance, but I do wish to see them grow from the perspective of an outsider. I'm now in the Kuroi Bara alliance, and that's where I'll be staying.
I have made a lot of friends on PSO2, mostly in the Ship I'm in PSO2 (Ship 2). As such, since NGS, I have experienced a lot of memories, and I'm attempting to grow stronger by each day.
But yes. This taken over my Mabinogi Slot.
As of PSO2:NGS Ver. 2, I have two new characters, but not on Ship 2. They are...
Durami, for Ship 1, and Suki, for Ship 3. Like my alts on Ship 2, I rarely play these two. But also, because they aren't on Ship 2, they don't have the support of Emil's progress much, except for Story and task progress. In NGS, I can skip to the current story with both Durami and Suki, even though I never played on Ships 1 and 3. There are a couple of reasons why I made them on different ships. The first is Star Gem gathering, as I would just have to do their dailies to get enough Casino Coin Tickets to get all the SG from the Casino. The second is to meet up and find friends who has moved from Ship 2 to other ships. That's pretty much it. But yeah, nothing's really changed. I'm still playing on Ship 2 way more than the other Ships. I might've forgotten about the two new characters in my account. O.o
My other endeavors
Hmmm.... What else IS there that I had done before? Well, at the moment, I just live with my great aunt. Taking care of her of course. Though I did have at least one previous endeavor. MikuMikuDance, a little 3D software that I can make animated videos with, using 3d Models and the like. I still have this software installed, but I may be rusty on it, that and I wasn't good with it in the first place. I'm also getting old, so it may not be there for too long. The software is mostly used for Volaloid 3d models dancing and singing, however. That's pretty much it.